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Climate change vulnerability score (CCVS)

The "climate change vulnerability score" (CCVS) is an aggregation of six autecological traits (www.freshwaterecology.info) that are known to be associated with vulnerability to CC: endemism, micro-endemism, temperature preference, altitudinal preference, stream zonation preference, and life history.

The database currently contains information of 1940 species of Ephemeroptera (mayflies), Plecoptera (stoneflies) and Trichoptera (caddisflies) with a vulnerability score ranging on a scale between 0 – “invulnerable” to 6 – “highly vulnerable” to climate change.

The aim of this score is to enable a better management of freshwater habitats by identifying "hotspots" in which vulnerable species occur.

Here we provide a possibility to look for EPT species according to the country they are found in and the vulnerability score of each species.

The entire table is available for download (xls/zip).

This information should be cited as: Hershkovitz Y., V. Dahm, A.W. Lorenz and D. Hering (2015). A multi-trait approach for the identification and protection of European freshwater species that are potentially vulnerable to the impacts of climate change. Ecological Indicators 50: 150-160. doi:10.1016/j.ecolind.2014.10.023

If you have any questions or suggestions, please contact us at


Select taxa group and one or more countries

Ephemeroptera Plecoptera Trichoptera
Albania [AL] Austria [AT] Belarus [BY]
Belgium [BE] Bosnia and Herzegovina [BA] Bulgaria [BG]
Croatia [HR] Czech Republic [CZ] Denmark [DK]
Estonia [EE] Finland [FI] France [FR]
Germany [DE] Greece [GR] Hungary [HU]
Iceland [IS] Ireland [IR] Italy [IT]
Latvia [LV] Lithuania [LT] Macedonia [MK]
Moldova [MD] Montenegro [ME] Netherlands [NL]
Norway [NO] Poland [PL] Portugal [PT]
Romania [RO] Serbia [RS] Slovakia [SK]
Slovenia [SI] Spain [ES] Sweden [SE]
Switzerland [CH] Ukraine [UA] United Kingdom [GB]

Climate Change and Freshwater
Online: http://www.climate-and-freshwater.info/climate_score/
Date: 2025/02/07
© 2025 University of Duisburg-Essen | Faculty of Biology, Aquatic Ecology, All rights reserved.